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    Why is it worth buying?

    • MOD is a Master of Personal Excellence, i.e. a person who keeps the quality of customer service at the heart of everyday activities, striving for personal effectiveness and turning the developed usability into personal success.
    • The book is a practical guide to the world of MOD, full of inspiring stories and tips that will allow you to become a master of quality management and optimization of your own processes.
    • Thanks to reading, you will learn to use tools such as SIPOC or awareness of effects, and you will gain the ability to balance expectations and results.
    • You’ll be able to address challenges in managing variability, ask key questions in solving problems, and effectively prevent errors

    How did this happen!

    I conducted my first Lean Six Sigma training in 2007. Previously, I was an internal trainer for many years in many companies, dealing with problem solving. Hundreds of training days and thousands of questions from participants forced me to redefine the way we look at Lean Six Sigma.

    Finally, the time has come when I decided to share my knowledge and experience with the whole world. I want this approach to be in the hearts of as many people as possible and to inspire us every day to be an example of an ideal supplier. Here I present to you the story of conversations with one of the participants of my training – Magda.

    I typically begin each training session by introducing the unique concepts of usability, zero delta, and return value – key aspects that a Master of Personal Excellence (MOD) emphasizes. Then we move on to examples, tasks and a discussion panel. After the training, Magda expressed many doubts and questions, which prompted me to propose a series of additional meetings during which we could discuss them all in more detail. The end result is this record of our discussions, during which Magda discovered the essence of usability in the area of personal perfection, a new direction in everyday life based on the use of the Lean Six Sigma concept.

    I hope some of these issues inspire you to take action. If you feel dissatisfied, please visit my website.

    Below are the opinions of people who had the opportunity to read my book in the version before proofreading.

    I'm a MOD cover

    This is the first book that presents a huge spectrum of MOD and is 100% based on examples, which is perfect for both beginners and advanced MOD makers. This is the new MOD bible. 🙂

    It’s hard to write in one sentence because it’s a masterpiece 🙂

    — Wioletta Wywrót

    New Product Introduction Engineer @ Teledyne DALSA Eindhoven

    A must-read for people who want to develop. The book changes the way we perceive our everyday surroundings. What is MOD? For me, a MOD is a person with a built-in Deming cycle

    — Michał Brzuchacz

    Lean Expert @ Bitron

    I devoured the MOD in one sitting. If you strive for perfection in your professional and private life, this pill is definitely for you. Take it blindly without a prescription. You’ll thank me later.

    — Tomasz Walczak

    Pharmacy Departament Manager @ Nexus Polska

    Learning about the concept of the Master of Personal Perfection and Delta Zero in 2017 was for me a kind of missing puzzle in the puzzle. It is still relevant and alive to me. I’m glad that Igor took the trouble to write a book. I encourage you to read it, which will probably bring you many “aha!” moments.

    — Magdalena Orwat

    Purchasing Manager @ JOST World

    Igor Łęgowski’s book, which is the result of his concept and cooperation in the MOD group in which I was a member from the very beginning, not only perfectly reflects the philosophy of continuous improvement, but also becomes a wise journey in which each reader will find a reflection of his or her own path towards betterment.

    — Szymon Ziembicki

    Chief Operating Officer. Plant Director @ Polskie Pomidory S.A.

    Inventive and amazing methods tailored to the modern world!

    — Magdalena Trubowicz

    Specjalista ds. sprzedaży@ VOSS Fluid Polska

    “I’m aMOD – conversations about personal excellence”

    18 meetings, 200 pages – it sounds a bit like a river interview. Is it worth becoming a co-participant in this developmental discussion? Absolutely yes.

    It is certainly inspiring and thought-provoking – and this is probably what Igor meant. To inspire you to follow the MOD path.

    So who is a MOD? How to become one? Is it possible to achieve the perfect state of MOD? Why is it worth following the MOD path? You must read to find answers to these questions and maybe (I believe) start an endless adventure. Because, to quote Igor: “MOD doesn’t do that. MOD is looking for” and all we have to do is go to GEMBA and what will we notice? What questions should you ask at GEMBA? You will also find this in this book.

    Try it too – maybe you will join the MOD group, it’s worth it – believe me, but most of all, believe in yourself. Everyone has the POWERS needed in a MOD family.

    — Zbigniew Kowalski

    MOD/Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt

    Offer and promotion

    I am offering you the book “I am MOD” for pre-order. There are still a few publishing stages ahead of us. What I have already completed is:

    • second editorial rewiev,
    • cover design,
    • uzyskanie numeru ISBN.

    The remaining tasks to be completed are:

    • book composition,
    • correction after composition,
    • printing, which will be carried out in a very good TOTEM printing house.

    Everything has already been priced, offers have been accepted, and the planned first batch, which is the subject of pre-sale, is expected to be printed at the end of February 2024.

    Each book purchased in pre-order before its first release will be autographed by me.


    Książka " Jestem MOD"

    Fragment of the book

    Książka "Jestem MOD"

    Magda: And when does it become the perfect MOD?

    I admit that I have not yet developed such a precise definition. However, someone who began to notice the customers around him and strive for a delta of zero could call himself a MOD. However, being one means working on yourself all the time. First of all, because our clients and our values change in our lives. The return value we want to receive from our customers is also changing. We must constantly be aware of what is important to us. This is what I strive for in my work with every MOD: to be aware of what return value is important to him. When entering the MOD path, it is mandatory to indicate your values. I work with a group of MODs where matters concern their private lives (relationships with their partners, laundry, etc.). They admit that they had to modify their values. They notice how much time they wasted on someone from whom they received nothing.

    Magda: However, you are not a theoretician. You work with MODs on various aspects of their lives, even the most mundane ones. You implement this philosophy successfully in the places where you work. In addition, your professional and training experience allows you to analyze the cases of many clients.

    The issue of this experience is very important. My partners and friends appreciate my business empathy. I am able to “step into the shoes” of an employee, engineer, or president because I have this experience, I have seen many productions and talked to many people. From this perspective, I can imagine the ability of a specific MOD to find its place in various realities. In addition, the MOD Leader concept concerns the ability to combine the role of a MOD and a leader. However, returning to experience, the training experience had the greatest impact. Any training of people who take it seriously is a huge challenge. Having to answer a number of questions and dealing with specific cases – this is a real challenge. Especially since it is in my nature to try to explain everything in the simplest way possible. Combining this with answers to sometimes really difficult questions is quite a puzzle.

    The entire book is a series of interviews by Magda with me on the following topics:

    1. From engineer to mentor – the genesis of MOD.
    2. MOD as a path to self-fulfillment and influence in the organization.
    3. Customers and beneficiaries in the MOD world.
    4. Discovering the Art of Adaptation: All about Delta = 0.
    5. Keys to Efficiency: Time, Return Value and Long-Term Thinking at MOD.
    6. SIPOC and Awareness of Effects: The Key to Effective MOD Process Management.
    7. Discovering Return Value: How MOD Decides Priorities.
    8. Balancing Expectations and Results: Understanding Delta.
    9. The importance of measuring work effects in the context of MOD.
    10. The goal of creating standards in the continuous improvement process.
    11. Challenges in managing variability and its impact on the quality of MOD work.
    12. The importance of asking questions in the problem-solving process.
    13. Strategies for finding differences and their importance in solving problems.
    14. Preventing mistakes by changing attitudes.
    15. Application of operational definitions in MOD work.
    16. Differentiation of constants, variables and noise in problem analysis.
    17. Using analogies and stories to find solutions.
    18. The role of planning, testing and control in the continuous improvement process for MOD.